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Major works for Fonderie Horne

As posted on our client’s Facebook page:

“Briquetting our vessels is not a simple task. Phase 2 of our work, which is underway, includes the briquetting of our second cast iron vessel, the reactor (Rx).

The work began a few days ago with the dismantling of the old brick that has been there for the past 19 months. We are in fact recycling these bricks as they are sent to the crushers, where they will be crushed for reuse in our melting process.

Upgrading the reactor requires the use of 27,500 bricks. It takes approximately 6 days of work, 24 hours a day, for a team of 60 people, including masons specialized in the laying of refractories (bricks), welders and carpenters to carry out work of such scope. Luckily, we can count on experienced workers to carry out this work!”

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